An Organized Lifestyle

A Little Surprise in January That Really Everyone Can Have and Do!

The ELFA utility door solution was such an easy system to use and a wonderful solution for really any door that you own. I am a big believer in taking advantage of vertical space and if you have a blank door, you have that much more storage space.

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Organizing with Kids

Back to school organizing with kids: It’s time we get them involved

This blog post was originally posted on the Today Parent website. I am a Today Parenting Contributor and would appreciate you all reading it over there as well and VOTING it up in the comments there. Thank you so much! Happy Back to School Organizing! As a professional organizer, I often hear stories from my […]

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An Organized Lifestyle

Free Moving Checklist & My Must Have Products for an Organized Move!

Last week I shared about our organized move services. This week I’m giving away my FREE moving checklist and sharing my top 8 products to help you get that organized move feel for a fraction of the price.

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An Organized Lifestyle

4 Tips for Organizing Your Pantry

When I polled you all on Instagram last week (@rachelorganizes), I asked about the spaces in your home that you struggle to get organized. Overwhelmingly, the responses were centered around the kitchen and pantry. And you know what, it totally makes sense! It’s hard to get you kitchen and pantry organized because it’s one of […]

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An Organized Lifestyle

Our Newest Service…Virtual Organizing!

Do you want to get organized but don’t have the time or money to hire a professional organizer? Check out our newest service, our virtual organizing program. It’s the best way to get organized when you have limited time and money!

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Organizing with Kids

5 organization hacks for busy parents

Like many of you, I wear many of hats throughout a day. Between being a mom, running a full-time business and managing my team, plus keeping my house and personal well-being in check it feels like there never is enough time. We are always searching for time to add to our day. Clients always tell me that if they had more time they could do XYZ and I get it. I know that I can’t change how many hours are in a day but I can change what I do in the environment where I spend my days. There are things that I can do throughout the day and week that can get me—and you, too—more in control and grounded so that when I lay my head down at night I’m not running through the laundry list of items still on my to-do list. And while I can’t dish out tips for how to master the work/parenting balance (is there even such a thing?!), I can tell you that there are things that can be done in your home to help save you time and sanity, which is a pretty big “win” if you ask me!

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Organizing with Kids

Why It’s Important to Declutter with Your Kids

Getting kids involved in the organizing process and showing them not only the importance of decluttering but HOW to actually declutter is a lesson that they will carry on with them as they get older. As a parent, I know that many of you are probably reading this and thinking “there’s no way my kid will do this.”, and I HEAR YOU but don’t lose hope just yet! Take a look at my top tips for getting kids on board with decluttering. So, whether your kids are young or you’re interested in getting your teens involved, read on!

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Life with Hashimoto's

The online store that has completely changed the way that my family shops

When I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s disease, I was given a list of things that I could no longer eat, ingest, apply to my skin, etc.*. To say that I was overwhelmed would be a vast understatement, as the list was not only extremely long, but also included a lot of ingredients that I wasn’t familiar with. After further research, I realized that the ingredients that were found in my shampoo, lotions, storage containers, down to the type of cotton balls I use were no longer safe for me to use. Around the same time of my diagnosis, I saw an ad on Instagram for Brandless. Have you heard of the company?

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An Organized Lifestyle

6 Yard Sale Tips to Create a Better (and More Profitable) Experience

I remember years ago when I hosted my first yard sale. The neighborhood was hosting a big event where you can go between driveways to shop, making it the perfect opportunity to clear your home of unwanted items once and for all. My girls were excited and ready, because with yard sales meant a lot of fun, like lemonade stands, learning about money, earning money, and finding new homes for old things. I had organized all of our items into boxes, did an insane amount of decluttering (okay, a little more than usual), and what happened? It rained.

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