Organizing with Kids

Back to School: Backpack, Lunchbox and Water Bottle Favorites

Backpacks, lunch boxes, water bottles, oh my! Whether you are ready or not back to school is here! Back to school can be overwhelming as there is so much “stuff” that goes along with it but it can also be a great time to get organized and give your kids’ routines a little refresh. I […]

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Organizing with Kids

How The End of the School Year is the Best Time to Prepare for The Next Year

We did it! We made it to the end of the school year! Or almost made it for some of us, my girls still have one more week of school, but then 8th grade graduation, here we come! I don’t know about your family but we are READY for summer! This school year has been […]

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An Organized Lifestyle

6 Back to School Favorites for Staying Organized

It is back to school time again! Even as I am typing those words it is hard to believe it is already here. It feels like just yesterday my girls made it through such a hard school year and we were looking forward to the fun days of summer ahead. There is no question that […]

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An Organized Lifestyle

Back to School 2020: Here for the Snacks

My girls went back to school this week and I can’t believe we are already starting school! It feels like just yesterday we finished up virtual learning in the spring. The girls are doing still virtual leaning this semester (see all my tips for online learning here) but one thing certainly hasn’t changed this back […]

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Organizing with Kids

Back to School 2020: Tips for Virtual Learning

Earlier this month I shared my tips for those of you with kids heading back to school for in person learning this year (here). Today we are going to dive in to tips for staying organized if you kids are going to be virtual learning. Yes, virtual learning has less “risk” involved than in person […]

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Organizing with Kids

Back to School 2020: Tips for In Person Learning

It is officially back to school season (gulp!) and this school year is going to look different for everyone. My girls are going to be attending school completely online (at least for the first semester) but I know that a lot of families and school districts have kids heading back into the classroom either full […]

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Organizing with Kids

Back to school organizing with kids: It’s time we get them involved

This blog post was originally posted on the Today Parent website. I am a Today Parenting Contributor and would appreciate you all reading it over there as well and VOTING it up in the comments there. Thank you so much! Happy Back to School Organizing! As a professional organizer, I often hear stories from my […]

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Organizing with Kids

Back to School Guide 2018

I’d like to think that I am the ultimate organizer when it comes to back to school prep, but I’ll admit that I’ve done my fair share of last minute shopping this week (what did we do before Amazon Prime?!).

With the final days of summer winding down for my girls, the bags are packed and the girls are ready to be reunited with their friends and meet their new teachers. If you’re looking for a bit of inspiration to grab any last minute supplies, find ways to spruce up your home for the new school year, or add a little organization into your daily routine, check out my full round-up of favorites (all available on Amazon!).

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