An Organized Lifestyle

Packing tips to avoid checking a bag on a plane

Whether I’m packing for a weekend or a one-week trip, I’m a carry-on girl through and through when it comes to plane travel. I like the convenience of avoiding baggage claim and always having my luggage with me so that I can easily grab from the overhead bin and take to my destination. And as an added bonus, when may bag is smaller I am forced to bring fewer items and focus just on what I actually need. For years I was using large rolling suitcases for every flight, but I found myself packing extra items just to fill up the space (why bring 3 shirts when I could fit 12?).

Earlier this summer I went on a trip to the west coast where I knew that I would be needing multiple outfits per day (leisure, business, and evening), and I’ve learned over the years some tips that keep my carry-on policy in tacts, despite a packed schedule and varying plans/dress codes. I am headed on multiple trips this over the next couple of months by land and air, and for each one I am only taking a carry-on.

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Organizing with Kids

7 Things You Can Do to Keep Your Family Organized This School Year

There are a couple of topics that win the title for “most requested” when it comes to creating content. It’s probably no surprise since you’ve likely seen the commercials and been inundated with ads and store sales pushing products and reminders, but back to school season is a big one over at Rachel and Company. I definitely see a rise in requests for clients asking for help around the home to get organized for the upcoming school year. As a parent, I totally get it! There are lists of products to buy, clothing and supplies to get prepared, and maybe even a rogue backpack or two left to unpack from the last school year (hey, no judgement!).

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Organizing with Kids

College Dorm Room Essentials + How to Stay Organized During the School Year

While my girls aren’t heading off to college for many years (thank goodness!), I’ve had a lot of requests for a post focused on organizing for college students. The transition from home to the dorms, along with the schedule and responsibility that comes with being a college student, is a huge transition for both the student and the parent, and with that comes the need to be properly organized. So, whether your kid is heading off for their freshman year dorm or moving off campus to a small apartment, these tips will help to maximize small spaces, create routines, and serve as a guideline for what to pack/what to leave home.  

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An Organized Lifestyle

The one organizing product I can’t function without

I depend on lists to keep my personal life, family’s schedule, and work priorities in order. Truly, if it’s not written down in my planner there is a very high chance that I won’t remember it. Are you the same way?

I’m a list maker through and through, and that includes writing out my TO-DOs that can be crossed off throughout the day and writing out the appointments and commitments that I have coming up. As a way to manage and limit the amount of mental clutter going on in everyday life, I’m a huge proponent for getting all of that information—the chaotic schedules, deadlines, appointments, whatever you have on the running list of where you/your family needs to be—down in one place that you can reference throughout the day.

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An Organized Lifestyle

How to be an intentional shopper (and my Nordstrom Anniversary Sale picks)

I’m not a big proponent of “stocking up” on products just because something is on sale (especially when there is the potential to expire and it doesn’t really fit your needs), but when I come across a deal that coincides with my needs or daily essentials it makes perfect sense to me to make the purchase. I look forward to certain sales, like the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale, because I know that every year around this time I am able to replenish and replace my tried-and-true favorites that I use daily. The sale is officially open to non-card holders (like myself) today and I’m excited to cross off a few items from my wishlist.

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An Organized Lifestyle

12 areas to declutter in 10 minutes or less

“If I had more free time then I could finally get organized.” I’ve heard it once, twice, thousands of times (literally). And I get it! Life is chaotic and there never seems to be enough time to get it all done. But, there are ways that we can manage our daily routines and free up time to chip away at the overall goal of becoming more organized. With this approach, you’re making organization more a part of our daily routine rather than one-time event, which has proven to stick and is easier to keep up with.

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Organizing with Kids


I’ve mentioned before that sentimental storage is the most difficult category to declutter, and as an organizer I’ve learned that what’s sentimental to one person is not necessarily the same for another. I have clients who have no problem donating or selling a household of their grandparents furniture, but they won’t budge on discarding an old college sweatshirt in their storage unit (even if they forgot that they had it in the first place!). I see, hear, and am witness to a lot of people’s personal items, which includes the sentimental items that are near and dear to their hearts. I think that there is a misconception that getting organized equates to…

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An Organized Lifestyle


As a professional organizer, I’m often asked what season is our busiest. While every season has a reason to be busy (i.e. back to school, holiday prep, spring cleaning, etc.), we always see an influx of questions and requests related to upcoming moving and house renovation projects. Last week we kicked off the official first days of summer with a two-week packing/unpacking/organizing project, and we’re looking forward to helping other busy families with moves, renovations, and overall home organization projects over the next several months.

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An Organized Lifestyle

How to stay sane and organized on a summer road trip

In a couple of weeks my husband and I will be headed on a long trip to pick up the girls from summer camp and go on a family vacation. I’ve been on my fair share of 2- and 3-hour rides, but we’ll be tripling our time spent in the car each way (my husband’s idea) and I’m already playing tetris in my mind thinking about everything that we’ll be bringing (and picking up once we get the girls) and how we’ll get it all to fit.

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An Organized Lifestyle


I’ll admit it: I skipped a lot of spring cleaning this year. Maybe you did too? With my girls heading off to sleepaway camp in a few weeks, I knew that I would be focusing my energy on touching literally every bit of my home and getting it organized (plus, it will serve as a nice distraction from how much I miss them!). My husband is thrilled that with our free time I am going to be organizing our home from top to bottom (ha!) but I reminded him that I am not aiming for perfection with this decluttering yet just trying to make a dent in the things I didn’t get around too during spring cleaning. The summer months are the perfect time to open the windows and tackle the areas that have been on the to-do list.

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