An Organized Lifestyle

2018 In Review: What A Year It Has Been!

As 2018 comes to a close, I wanted to reflect on this year and articulate just how grateful I am for the opportunity to do what I love to do. I feel like I have won the lottery and this is my acceptance speech, but I rarely get to say thank you in such a public setting so as we usher out 2018, you all will just have to bear with me!

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Organizing with Kids

Why It’s Important to Declutter with Your Kids

Getting kids involved in the organizing process and showing them not only the importance of decluttering but HOW to actually declutter is a lesson that they will carry on with them as they get older. As a parent, I know that many of you are probably reading this and thinking “there’s no way my kid will do this.”, and I HEAR YOU but don’t lose hope just yet! Take a look at my top tips for getting kids on board with decluttering. So, whether your kids are young or you’re interested in getting your teens involved, read on!

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An Organized Lifestyle

Holiday Gift Guide 2018

Have you started your holiday shopping? My girls’ big present this year is a puppy (coming Monday!), and for everything else on their list I’ve turned to online shopping (who’s with me?). I’ve been made sure to take advantage of some of the crazy sales that have been going on during Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, and Cyber Monday. Of course, it’s no surprise that nearly every sale has been extended (seriously, there is no reason to pay full price these days) and I have a few more things I’d like to grab for people on my list. I know how difficult it can be to come up with ideas for people on your list—especially those who fall into tricky categories like co-workers and tweens—which is why I’ve compiled ideas for everyone that you might be shopping for in this year’s Holiday Gift Guide.

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An Organized Lifestyle

What to consider as you decorate for the holidays

The holiday season seems to bring an influx of everything. From the decor that gets pulled down from storage around Halloween, the food and extra hosting commitments that start around Thanksgiving, and the holiday parties and work events that spike around this time of year, it can be a lot to handle! When you really break it down, organization plays a huge role in each aspect of the holiday season. Whether it’s how to get ready for overnight guests, how to prep your pantry and fridge for upcoming events, or how to declutter your kids’ toys before a fresh round of items start arriving this holiday season, organizing is a critical piece to getting each of these tasks accomplished.

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An Organized Lifestyle

What I’m Thankful for in 2018 (plus an exciting announcement!)

In the midst of all the Thanksgiving festivities, I wanted to share a quick note of thanks for the long list of people that I want to recognize for making 2018 one of the best years yet. This year has been full of projects that have pushed our creativity and bandwidth to the maximum, goal-setting that has me looking forward to what’s on the horizon, and opportunities to connect with fellow entrepreneurs, organizers, and mom bosses that make me dream bigger than I ever thought possible. To say I’m really excited about what’s in store for the little business that I started nearly 11 years ago is an understatement. I am grateful for taking that leap what seems like a lifetime ago since it has given me the freedom and passion in a career that I truly love.

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An Organized Lifestyle

5 Secrets to Get (and Keep!) Your Fridge Organized

With the holiday season among us (Thanksgiving is only one week away!), this means that our schedules are about to become a bit busier and our fridges and pantries may become a bit more crowded. Between hosting obligations and the anticipated turkey and side dish leftovers, finding space in an already crammed refrigerator may seem nearly impossible.

So, what can be done?

Before you bring another Tupperware container or bulk-size box into the fridge, let’s use today—National Clean Out Your Fridge Day!—to make some necessary improvements to this space.

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An Organized Lifestyle

4 Ways to Store Purses & Clutches

When it comes to closet organization, there are categories that easier to tackle than others. Regardless of what your storing, the first step to the closet organization process is to categorize all of your options and store them in a way that is the most function for how you live. That means keeping categories, like work blouses, towards the front of your closet, and giving priority placement to the shoes that are in your weekday rotation. While a lot of closet storage and organization is simple (i.e. requiring just a hanger or some shelving), there is a category that tends to trip people up: purses and clutches.

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An Organized Lifestyle

7 Things to Avoid Throwing Away

When you’re working on decluttering your home, it’s easy to get caught up in the moment and feel the need to get rid of everything. Yes…that happens! And while there are no real “rules” to getting organized, there are general guidelines that are helpful to keep in mind when you are deciding what should stay and what can go. If there are items or categories that you don’t use or need any longer, that’s usually an indicator that you can and should part with those items. But, there are a few categories that—despite their lack of use—should be the exception to the “rules”. Check out my recommendations below for seven things that I suggest you not throw away while decluttering (or at least take a second look and pause before you do).

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An Organized Lifestyle

5 Organizing Myths to Stop Believing

“I want to be organized, but…”. Have you thought or said this before? I’ve heard this so many times from my clients and I’ve responded to messages and emails that start off the same way. Getting organized sounds so far-fetched because they’ve seen the “after” photos and they can’t imagine their own home being that Pinterest-perfect. I get it! Seeing a beautiful space and perfectly placed bins and color-coded closets can feel a little intimidating, but that doesn’t mean that it’s realistic for all. The good news? That’s not what organization is all about! I believe that there is potential in every home and for every person to have the organized lifestyle that they crave, regardless of circumstance.

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Organizing with Kids

Back to School Guide 2018

I’d like to think that I am the ultimate organizer when it comes to back to school prep, but I’ll admit that I’ve done my fair share of last minute shopping this week (what did we do before Amazon Prime?!).

With the final days of summer winding down for my girls, the bags are packed and the girls are ready to be reunited with their friends and meet their new teachers. If you’re looking for a bit of inspiration to grab any last minute supplies, find ways to spruce up your home for the new school year, or add a little organization into your daily routine, check out my full round-up of favorites (all available on Amazon!).

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