An Organized Lifestyle

7 Things to Avoid Throwing Away

When you’re working on decluttering your home, it’s easy to get caught up in the moment and feel the need to get rid of everything. Yes…that happens! And while there are no real “rules” to getting organized, there are general guidelines that are helpful to keep in mind when you are deciding what should stay and what can go. If there are items or categories that you don’t use or need any longer, that’s usually an indicator that you can and should part with those items. But, there are a few categories that—despite their lack of use—should be the exception to the “rules”. Check out my recommendations below for seven things that I suggest you not throw away while decluttering (or at least take a second look and pause before you do).

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Life with Hashimoto's

A Hashimoto’s Update + 3 Kitchen Changes to Create a Healthier (and Green!) Lifestyle

True story: last week I had to take a power nap after dropping my kids off at school. The 5-minute walk home from school expended the remaining little energy that I had and I needed to fall asleep. Never in my decade of being a parent had I taken a nap “on the job”, but I could not respond to an email, get out my girls’ snacks, or deal with the mail and incoming packages at my doorstep until my body had a break. Kind of sounds pathetic, right? That kind of exhaustion is a tiny peek into what my life with Hashimoto’s disease is like.

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Organizing with Kids

Back to School Guide 2018

I’d like to think that I am the ultimate organizer when it comes to back to school prep, but I’ll admit that I’ve done my fair share of last minute shopping this week (what did we do before Amazon Prime?!).

With the final days of summer winding down for my girls, the bags are packed and the girls are ready to be reunited with their friends and meet their new teachers. If you’re looking for a bit of inspiration to grab any last minute supplies, find ways to spruce up your home for the new school year, or add a little organization into your daily routine, check out my full round-up of favorites (all available on Amazon!).

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Organizing with Kids

7 Things You Can Do to Keep Your Family Organized This School Year

There are a couple of topics that win the title for “most requested” when it comes to creating content. It’s probably no surprise since you’ve likely seen the commercials and been inundated with ads and store sales pushing products and reminders, but back to school season is a big one over at Rachel and Company. I definitely see a rise in requests for clients asking for help around the home to get organized for the upcoming school year. As a parent, I totally get it! There are lists of products to buy, clothing and supplies to get prepared, and maybe even a rogue backpack or two left to unpack from the last school year (hey, no judgement!).

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Organizing with Kids

College Dorm Room Essentials + How to Stay Organized During the School Year

While my girls aren’t heading off to college for many years (thank goodness!), I’ve had a lot of requests for a post focused on organizing for college students. The transition from home to the dorms, along with the schedule and responsibility that comes with being a college student, is a huge transition for both the student and the parent, and with that comes the need to be properly organized. So, whether your kid is heading off for their freshman year dorm or moving off campus to a small apartment, these tips will help to maximize small spaces, create routines, and serve as a guideline for what to pack/what to leave home.  

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Spring Organizing Series

Spring Organizing Favorites

The weekend is a time where I’m able to focus on a couple of projects from my ongoing to-do list, and I’m looking forward to getting my house totally back together after our spring break trip (I mean, I always forget how much laundry it entails!).

What’s on your to-do list this weekend? Whether you’re somewhere warm or in the DC area like where it’s calling for snow, I know that a lot of you are in spring cleaning/organizing mode!

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An Organized Lifestyle

Weekday Morning Essentials

When Monday mornings roll around I rely heavily on my family’s morning routine to get us up and out the door. After a fun weekend full of plans I know that I have to account for an extra slow pace to get my twins to school and to get my workday started. As I tell my clients and have shared on the blog before, successful organization relies on creating systems that work for YOU.

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An Organized Lifestyle

A Sentimental Gift Idea with Framebridge

Years ago when my identical twins were in preschool I remember them coming home from school with a gift for me around Thanksgiving. Their teachers had helped the students turn their handprints into little turkeys, which they dried out and then framed for each of the parents. To me, it was the most thoughtful gift that I could have received (#proudparent). The art of their tiny hands immediately made me feel proud to be their mom and brought me joy, which is something that I try to keep in mind while choosing holiday gifts for everyone on my list.

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An Organized Lifestyle


I hope that you all have a great Thanksgiving! I’ll be spending today eating leftovers for lunch (they are the best, right?) and am looking forward to a longer than normal weekend with family. Before I hop offline I’m going to snag a couple of items that are on serious Black Friday sale right now.

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An Organized Lifestyle

Happy Thanksgiving!

I wanted to keep it quick since I’m sure you’ve only got a handful of minutes to spare today while preparing for the day’s festivities. If I’m being honest, I struggled with what to say today because I don’t want to come off as self-centered or braggy when listing out what I’m thankful for. The thing is, I couldn’t ignore the urge to reflect on everything that has brought me gratitude this year, and what better time to share it than on Thanksgiving?

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