
Bedroom Refresh with Coyuchi

May 27, 2020

Hello, I'm Rachel
I’m a busy mom, entrepreneur, and an expert in organizing your home, office, and life. I believe in the profound impact of organizing on every aspect of life. 
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After everything that has gone on in the past couple months, Jon and I decided it was time for a little bedroom refresh. I am a firm believer in creating a safe, calming, clutter-free haven in your bedroom and how important having that space is for your mental health.

We were in desperate need of new bedding and were beyond thrilled to partner with Coyuchi for the refresh. If you haven’t heard of Coyuchi it is well past time! Coyuchi has been crafting coastal-inspired organic bedding, sheets, towels, apparel and more for a clean, environmentally conscious home since 1991. Since my Hashimoto’s diagnosis Jon and I have been on a mission to purify our home and are very mindful of what we bring in to our space (especially the bedroom) and this often leads to a compromise on luxury. That is 100% not the case with Coyuchi – the whole bedding set we decided on is so luxurious but if at all possible I love the mission and details behind Coyuchi even more.

I could go on forever about the aspects of Coyuchi’s mission that I love but here are a few of my favorites. All of their products are organic (GOTS), fair trade and Made Safe certified. They are committed to cutting out plastic and the sheet set we ordered came in a reusable organic cloth bag. Finally, Coyuchi has a partnership with The Renewal Workshop to recycle their old linens. 2nd Home™ is Coyuchi’s program that takes the linens you’re finished with and recycle or upcycle them to keep them out of a landfill. See more of their fascinating process here.

For our bedroom, we decided to stick with all white for the sheets and duvet to really reinforce the calm we wanted in the space and then added a bit of texture with our quilt and shams. The quilt and sham I selected is the Pebbled Handstitched Organic – the texture if so lovely without an overwhelming pattern so the space doesn’t feel busy.

Jon and I are thrilled with how the space turned out and Poppy certainly agrees. I listed below a few of my favorite tips for creating a serene space that you can try out in your own room.

Create a Serene Space in Your Bedroom

  • Start with the Bedding: Upgrading your bedding to something organic and luxurious, like the Coyuchi sheets we opted for, will instantly help you feel like you are in a 5 star hotel.

  • Cut the Clutter: Be mindful of visual clutter in your bedroom. Keep flat surfaces clear and knick knacks to a minimum to reinforce the peace and calmness you are looking for in your bedroom.

  • Consider the Color: Our bedroom is designed around a mix of white and grey (just like our beloved Poppy). Make sure you are choosing calming colors for your space and save bright, bold colors for another room in your home.

  • Hide the Wires: As minimal as it sounds investing in a cord organizer or simply putting a little effort to get your wires neatly tucked behind your bedside table will change the feel of your space.

  • Pick a Scent: I bet if you think of your favorite hotel or spa you can smell the relaxation of the space. I love picking a signature scent for your bedroom, whether in essential oil or a candle, so every-time you smell it your brain is cued to relax. Here are a two of my favorites (green, of course). that instantly relax me: Follain and Ellis Brooklyn

  • Let There Be Light: Lighting is so important in your bedroom – bright sunshine in the morning, dimmed lighting as you get ready for bed and then amazing darkness for sleeping. Consider investing in some blackout curtains for the night and perhaps adding a dimmer switch to your light for more control.

  • Bonus Tip: No Technology: I will admit that I am not always the best at this one but I do find that when I keep my phone and computer out of our bedroom I feel so much more at peace. If you can’t skip the tech all together perhaps try charging your phone across the room so at least your bed is screen-free.

DISCLOSURE: I was gifted the products featured in this post but all opinion are my own. This post contains affiliate links, meaning when you click the links and make a purchase, we receive a commission.

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I'm Rachel, founder of Rachel & Company

I’m dedicated to helping you create a lifestyle that is more organized, sustainable, and joyously livable.

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