An Organized Lifestyle

Bathroom Weekly Reset with Ball® Jars

I am a brand ambassador of Ball® home canning products. Let’s face it, life is busy these days! We all have a million things going on and sometimes it is hard to keep up. Even the most organized (ahem, I’m raising my hand over here) can have systems slip up throughout the week as life […]

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An Organized Lifestyle

Calling All Book Worms: 9 Tips for Organizing Your Books

I have always been a big reader, I mean you can’t really go to law school if you are not. These days my reading is more parenting books than law briefs but through all of the phases of my life I have always turned to books. A lot of reading is now happening on screens […]

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An Organized Lifestyle

How to Organize an RV

We have a client who went recently left to east coast and headed west for two months in an RV with her family of 5. With her 3 boys doing virtual school, at least through the new year, they jumped at the chance for this once in a lifetime opportunity. What an amazing experience for […]

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An Organized Lifestyle

Free Downloadable Change of Address Checklist

It isn’t technically moving season around here but our team is in full swing with several moves in the coming weeks. I guess if 2020 has taught us anything it is that we are not following the norms this year. Moving is stressful and when you add a pandemic on top of everything it can […]

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An Organized Lifestyle

Organized Moving Tips for Moving During the Coronavirus Pandemic

It’s moving season, pandemic or not, so today I am breaking down the steps to an organized move during the time of coronavirus. Does moving look different now than it did a few months ago? Yes. Is it impossible? No. Are there additional precautions that need to be taken while moving during the coronavirus? Of […]

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An Organized Lifestyle

6 Tips for Organizing Your Phone

Whether you are at the stage of social distancing where there is nothing left to organize, alphabetize or color code or you haven’t decluttered a single thing, all of our phones could use a little love. The average American spends just under 3 hours PER DAY on their phone but very few of us give […]

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An Organized Lifestyle

Get Organized Without Spending Any Money

It is no secret that just about all of us feel overwhelmed and anxious right now. There is so much happening in the world that we can’t control and that is not a feeling that any of us enjoy. So many of you have reached out to me to share how decluttering and organizing have […]

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An Organized Lifestyle

4 Tips for Organizing Your Pantry

When I polled you all on Instagram last week (@rachelorganizes), I asked about the spaces in your home that you struggle to get organized. Overwhelmingly, the responses were centered around the kitchen and pantry. And you know what, it totally makes sense! It’s hard to get you kitchen and pantry organized because it’s one of […]

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An Organized Lifestyle

7 Things to Avoid Throwing Away

When you’re working on decluttering your home, it’s easy to get caught up in the moment and feel the need to get rid of everything. Yes…that happens! And while there are no real “rules” to getting organized, there are general guidelines that are helpful to keep in mind when you are deciding what should stay and what can go. If there are items or categories that you don’t use or need any longer, that’s usually an indicator that you can and should part with those items. But, there are a few categories that—despite their lack of use—should be the exception to the “rules”. Check out my recommendations below for seven things that I suggest you not throw away while decluttering (or at least take a second look and pause before you do).

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