Time Management

How organization can cut down on food waste

As a busy mom, I’ve learned a thing or two about how kitchen organization can impact not only what we eat, but how we eat. How you approach organization in your kitchen – all with an emphasis on making good food choices- can help save time and reduce waste. As I’ve mentioned time and time again, I always recommend investing in products that are not only functional and add to the existing aesthetic of your home BUT also save you time. Years ago when I discovered Fridge Coasters…

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An Organized Lifestyle

Emergency Preparedness: How to get your essentials organized

With the onslaught of Hurricane Irma and Harvey, it has put emergency preparedness at the front of my mind (and yours too, I’m sure) and now more than ever I find it important to address emergency preparedness and being organized for an emergency. Here are a few quick tips to safely store all the items that you may need in an emergency situation.

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An Organized Lifestyle

My daily essentials (and how you can get them on sale TODAY!)

When I head out the door in the morning I’m armed with the essentials that will get me through the day, knowing that I will likely be away from my home for many hours. Over the last 9 years of learning to balance motherhood and my full-time career, there are products that have become my go-tos because they work with my busy and demanding schedule. Here are a few essentials from my wardrobe, beauty routine, travel bag and office.

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Client Projects

A step-by-step plan to organize your garage (the space you love to hate)

To be completely honest, garages are one of the most difficult areas for us to get excited about. We are less concerned with making the space “pretty” with products that tie into the home’s aesthetic and more focused on figuring out how to make the pieces of the puzzle fit together in a way that makes it both visible and possible to access, which can sometimes be tricky in such a tight space. Here are our 6 tips for how to get started, what to consider, and how to make the most of your space to create a functional garage.

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An Organized Lifestyle

The 5 times that organization helped me in my 30s

Today, June 1st, I turn 40. I am closing out my most challenging, rewarding, and life altering decade. In my 30s there were at least 5 major life changes where organization helped me…and when I say “helped” me at points, being organized actually saved me. Saved me from having to focus on the unnecessary and waste time, saved my sanity so that I could just stick to the routine and saved me money because I knew what I had and didn’t overspend which saved me lots of unnecessary stress. Here is a little insight into my life and how I navigated it all!

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An Organized Lifestyle

How to organize your jewelry collection (just in time for Mother’s Day!)

As a company full of women, it should come as no surprised that we get excited when a client requests to have their jewelry organized. We wanted to share our tips for how we tackle a jewelry project for our clients so that everything is separated, secure, and accessible. Things like categorizing your jewelry, identifying your storage options and then storing while keeping in mind how frequently you certain pieces will make a world of a difference when you are putting the final touches on your favorite outfit.  

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Event Recap

Fridge Organization Tips: Our Washington Post Facebook Live segment

We chatted with The Washington Post on their Facebook Live yesterday to discuss how to organize a fridge, our favorite products to use, and general tips for how to keep up the systems once they are in place to prevent food waste in the future. Some of the tips that we mentioned are keeping similar products together, using clear containers and checking out-of-sight places regularly. These small actions will make a world of a difference when it comes to grabbing a quick snack for breakfast or making dinner for the whole family.

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Organizing with Kids


Closets are area that for many seems to be too big of a beast to tackle for many reasons. With kids, it’s inevitable that systems will never be perfect. In order to create a system that will be successful for you and your family it is important to think about your needs, identify how you and your children use the space, and figure out what you want for it to look like. Here are some of the tried-and-true tips that I incorporate into my client’s homes and that would work in any tight space, from dorm rooms and studio apartments to older homes with teeny storage spaces.

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An Organized Lifestyle

How to stretch organization in small spaces

When I walk into an awkwardly-shaped room or tiny closet that I know is not functioning best for the client I am forced to get creative with the existing space (especially if it is not an option or within budget to change the layout of the space). So, I maximize the area that is available. Here are some of the tried-and-true tips that I incorporate into my client’s homes and that would work in any tight space from dorm rooms and studio apartments to older homes with teeny storage spaces. Choosing quality over quantity, investing in double-duty pieces, adding color and texture pieces are all key in getting the most out of your small space.

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An Organized Lifestyle

Why moving season is the best time to get organized

I am often faced with the “I don’t why I store this here” situations during client appointments (i.e. why lightbulbs and batteries are stored typically in 3+ areas of the home) and it just reiterates the point: when you bring an item into your house it typically lives where it lands. One of the best times to create organizing systems is also during what can be for some a very stressful period: moving time! It’s the only time you will have a completely blank space to work in and get to re-assign what goes where, which–if done strategically–will make your life easier moving forward.

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