While it can be tempting to think of how you can transform your entire home during spring cleaning/organizing, it can also be overwhelming and time consuming. Instead, narrow your focus to a few select areas that will make the most impact, like your kitchen and pantry. When you set out to organize your kitchen and pantry, make sure to avoid making these common mistakes so that you can save on time, money, and ensure that you make the most out of your available space.
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As a busy mom, I’ve learned a thing or two about how kitchen organization can impact not only what we eat, but how we eat. How you approach organization in your kitchen – all with an emphasis on making good food choices- can help save time and reduce waste. As I’ve mentioned time and time again, I always recommend investing in products that are not only functional and add to the existing aesthetic of your home BUT also save you time. Years ago when I discovered Fridge Coasters…
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Here we are in mid-September. Summer is officially over. The kids are back in school. You can feel a hint of crispness in the air when you walk out the door each morning. I’m inspired to muse about the changes I anticipate for myself, and particularly, my business. I don’t like to let things get to comfortable and I am constantly striving to figure out new and innovative ways to expand Rachel & Company. So what’s ahead you might ask? I’m excited to create more online classes, expand the rachel-company.com Shop page, and continue to partner with other amazing groups to promote new ideas and offerings…
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