An Organized Lifestyle

Toys, Toys, Toys

I don’t know about your kids but for me December always felt like a constant stream of toys entering the house in our family. But now that we are nearly a month past the holidays it is important to remember that toys and your kids CAN be organized! Toys, like kids clothes, can be an […]

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Organizing with Kids

Back to school organizing with kids: It’s time we get them involved

This blog post was originally posted on the Today Parent website. I am a Today Parenting Contributor and would appreciate you all reading it over there as well and VOTING it up in the comments there. Thank you so much! Happy Back to School Organizing! As a professional organizer, I often hear stories from my […]

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Organizing with Kids

Morning Routine Tips for Back-to-School

I don’t know about you, but I depend on routines and schedules. If you’re interested in adopting some tried-and-true tips that have worked in a busy household with young children, I’ve included the morning routine tips that have worked for our family over the years below. For younger and older kids, the same morning routine tips apply but your involvement will be determined on their age and how much responsibility/independence you’d like for them to have.

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