An Organized Lifestyle

Labeling for Organization

July 8, 2021

Hello, I'm Rachel
I’m a busy mom, entrepreneur, and an expert in organizing your home, office, and life. I believe in the profound impact of organizing on every aspect of life. 
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You may remember a few weeks ago, on the blog, we did a deep dive into decluttering (see that post here). I talked all about why I think decluttering is so important when you are organizing and how decluttering needs to be the first step in your organizing process. Today I want to discuss what is often the last step in your organizing process but just as critical: labeling.

It is no secret that if you are a “follower” of organization you have seen your fair share of labels. From spice labels to label makers to vinyl cut outs to bin clips to chalkboard labels, you can find just about every type of label under the sun, including some that never should have seen the light of day, on Instagram or Pinterest. But before we dive into the what (don’t worry, I promise I will share my favs) it is important to discuss the why.




Why Labeling is Important?

So, why is labeling important? In a word, maintenance! Organization is important in so many ways but if a system isn’t easily kept up, it isn’t going to have the same impact on your day to day life. Our Rachel and Company clients often joke that they wish our team could come every day and while we would happily oblige that isn’t a realistic solution to staying organized. This is where labels come into play. Once you have an organizational system set up and in place, whether we helped set up the system or if you DIYed it yourself, labels help you keep up with a system day after day. Labels help you remember which bin in the laundry room is for extra towels and which is for extra sheets. Labels point you in the right direction when putting your baby’s clothes away in the dresser (any sleep deprived mammas know we all need any extra help we can get). And labels help encourage your spouse and kiddos to put their shoes in the right bin instead of on the mudroom floor. Without labels, your organization system will be dependent on your memory and even the most organized will forget after a while.

Additionally, labels help bring ease to the functionality of your home. When you have a well labeled home you are going to be able to find items so much easier and save time by not searching for the exact thing you are looking for. Back to the laundry room example, if you have a well labeled space and need to change sheets for a guest you will be able to easily find the queen sets without opening each and every one (no one likes to refold a fitted sheet). If your storage bins in your basement are labeled you will be decorating for the holidays before you can say ho ho ho.

Finally, labeling adds a finishing touch to an organized space. Whether in your pantry or even your closet a well designed label can be not only functional but beautiful.



My Favorite Labels for Organization

What are my favorite labels you ask? It really depends on the situation and it is just as important to select the right label as it is to label at all. There are a couple things to keep in mind when selecting a label for the space:

  • While labeling is crucial we also want the label to be aesthetically pleasing and beautiful in the space. This might mean selecting a “pretty label” but it also might mean selecting a label that can be easily hidden. Our team loves labeling the inside of a dresser drawer with a label maker so you see it right when you open the drawer but it doesn’t detract from the overall look of the dresser.

  • There is a delicate balance between being overly descriptive and vague when deciding on the name for a label. You want something specific enough that you remember what it is referencing but not so specific you need to change it all the time. For example, it might be more realistic in your home to create a “Cereal” label than a “Fruit Loops” label if your family switches things up from time to time.

Now for the fun stuff! These are my favorite labels to use in different scenarios throughout the home.

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  1. Mary Elizabeth O'Toole says:

    Thanks for sharing the tips. You are so right about the value of labels and it is so rewarding to see them all in place, especially if they are pretty too!

  2. Dr.Amrita says:

    Labeling does help a lot organize smartly .Liked how you mention it about being pretty.Helps with motivation.

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I'm Rachel, founder of Rachel & Company

I’m dedicated to helping you create a lifestyle that is more organized, sustainable, and joyously livable.

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