You know the drill. You book a flight, make dinner reservations, sign up for the art class you have been meaning to take, and then suddenly, you literally can’t. Your kids are sick. Your babysitter cancels. You have an emergency at work. There are so many things we want to do, but our schedules prevent us, and conflicts come up. So what do you do? Give up?
In July of last year, I was presented with an excellent opportunity. I finally got an offer to do something I always wanted to do: contribute to an article on Martha Well, guess what? When the writer reached out to me, I didn’t have the type of pictures she was looking for, and I was out of town. I panicked. How would I schedule a photoshoot, hire a photographer, or even get a professional camera in time? This was my moment, and I couldn’t even begin to take the next step forward. I was paralyzed with fear. I called my then assistant, Jordan, we did some research, found the right apps, and did it all with just her phone, keen eye for design, and online resources. Check out the photo below!
Thankfully, we are living in an online world, and for anyone who doesn’t know me well, I am an online girl (or at least I pretend to be!). No, but really, there are so many tools and solutions at your fingertips. Want to learn about interior design? Get on Pinterest. Need a quick yoga exercise from home? YouTube. The list goes on. . .
That’s why we offer such a wide range of services, including online, such as aFREE WEBINAR: TAKE POWER OVER YOUR PAPER, which gives you the tools needed to organize your papers once and for all. Not only can you take these courses online, from home, at your convenience, but you also have access to an organizing expert: me!
So what do you do when life happens and gets in the way of what you want to learn or accomplish?
I challenge you to write down one thing you would do to actually accomplish your goal today. Find an online resource for inspiration. Get started. You will be one step closer. Don’t let your inability to meet with an expert, now, stop you from taking the first step!! Please comment below, share the post, tag us, and tell us what you found!!
XOXO Rachel
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