Earlier this week on the, eve of the election, I chatted about on Instagram stories about how you can use organization to help with anxiety and boy did it resonate with you all. I got so much feedback about how you all have been using organization to help with your anxiety about COVID, the election, everything going on in the world right now.
Organization is something that you can control. Something that you can see a tangible result quickly and that feels good when there is so much uncertainty in the world. Now, I am not saying to organize your whole kitchen or your whole closet on a day you are stressed but organizing something SMALL can be very therapeutic.
Since we are all still feeling stressed this week I wanted to share some small organization projects that you can tackle right away. Check out the ideas below and then tell me what you are organizing. I love seeing before and after pictures so make sure you tag me on Instagram so I can follow along with your little wins.
Organize Your Phone
We all have to be honest with ourselves, we spend a LOT of time on our phones. Check out this post here with 6 Tips for Organizing Your Phone so you can tidy up your little best friend.
Organize Your Spices
There is something so satisfying about organizing your spices. Check out this tutorial I posted on Pinterest for a quick overhaul that has results that look anything but easy.
Tackle Your Paper Clutter
It can be so easy to just pop something in a filing cabinet to keep so you don’t have to think about if you really need it. Here are the guidelines I follow for how long to keep paper.
Organize on a Budget
Organization can feel overwhelming if you think you have to go out and buy a bunch of stuff to get organized. Here I shared my tips for getting organized without spending any money.
Organize Your Inbox
Raise your hand if you would be embarrassed if someone saw that unread emails number in your inbox! Our inboxes can all use a little love – see my tips for inbox organization here.
Organize Under Your Sink
Do you face an avalanche every time you open the cabinet under your sink? A little decluttering and organization goes a long way in a small area. See my tips here.
Organize Your Makeup
Did you know that makeup expires? Do a deep clean of your makeup drawer and toss anything that is expired or that you don’t wear anymore – see my guide on makeup expiration dates here.
File Fold Your Clothes
File folding is magical and can instantly transform your dresser. Check out my tutorial on file folding here and start beautifying those drawers.
Start Meal Planning
Meal planning makes a world of difference in how smoothly your week runs. I have a meal planning pad in our shop that I use but you can start with a simple notepad or document on your computer.
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