
Tips For A Stress Free Morning Routine

August 15, 2019

Hello, I'm Rachel
I’m a busy mom, entrepreneur, and an expert in organizing your home, office, and life. I believe in the profound impact of organizing on every aspect of life. 
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Ah.. the mornings. Either you are hate them or love them, am I right? I am definitely a morning person and thrive on waking up and getting started with my day. However, I also believe that what helps me be “more” of a morning person is the fact that I have a morning routine in place. Honestly, without it, I don’t know who I would be. I am not a coffee drinker anymore (I really miss it) so without caffeine, I am really in need of a routine that is easy to follow and gets the most bang for my buck.

I am not sure about you, but my mornings are hectic with trying to get myself out the door for work, getting my girls off and out the door for school, eating, taking care of my dog and so on. So, whether you are a true morning person or not, I am going to share some tips with you for a stress free (ok, stress-LESS) morning that you can easily do. All of the tips that I am share with help you with a morning routine which is the stuff you can control because as you know, there will be tons of things that come up in the morning that you can’t control like a sick child, spilled coffee on your white blouse and more. And, as you will see, a ton of the things that I do to make for a better morning routine are done the night before!

Tips for a Stress Free Morning

Get dressed. Pick out outfits the night before: This goes for both adults and children. And I know you are reading thinking this will take so much time to do but trust me, it will save you double, if not triple the amount of time the next day. I suggest checking the weather for the next and planning an outfit that matches both the weather forcast and what you are doing that day. Are you working out first but then going to work? Make sure to pack the necessities for work so you don’t end up in a dress with sneakers!

Grab your lunch. Pack lunches and create lunch stations: Since we all are usually rushing in the morning, why not take the extra five minutes the night before to pack school lunches and get them ready for the next day? And even better, involve your children and give them age appropriate tasks to help with making their own lunches. Create stations in your kitchen for them to grab their lunch boxes, waterbottles and food containers and set up the pantry and fridge with items you want them to add to their lunches on lower shelves.

Have at least one thing that helps get you energized to get out of bed. decide what it is: For me, this is lipstick. I know, sounds kind of weird but once my lipstick is on, I feel that much more put together. Maybe for you it’s a piece of jewelry, a great new type of coffee or putting on your gym clothing but whatever it is this should be something that has you feeling awake and ready to take on the day.

Eat a nutritious breakfast. Have your pantry and fridge set up for optimal health: You know the saying that breakfast is the most important meal of the day so making it part of your morning routine is crucial. Yet, in order to be able to grab it and go or make it for dining at home, you need to have your pantry and fridge set up and ready to go. This means, having the options for a healthy breakfast already set up. You can also pre-set your breakfast on a lazy susan so all you have to do is take it out of the fridge in the morning.

Give yourself some time. Use the night before to get things in place: Whether you have kids or not, I find mornings to be very hectic. So, rather than just jump out of bed and enter the crazy, make sure you set some time aside for yourself. Whether this is a few minutes with the bathroom door closed, some time for meditation or exercise, or a cup of coffee alone, try and make a few minutes of me time a priority before the morning rush.

Tell me: do you have a morning routine?

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I'm Rachel, founder of Rachel & Company

I’m dedicated to helping you create a lifestyle that is more organized, sustainable, and joyously livable.

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