Life with Hashimoto's

Green Living Series: My Makeup/Skincare

March 12, 2018

Hello, I'm Rachel
I’m a busy mom, entrepreneur, and an expert in organizing your home, office, and life. I believe in the profound impact of organizing on every aspect of life. 
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Ever since I shared on the blog that I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s Disease (more on that here), I’ve received so much support and even more messages from people who are dealing with their own autoimmune diseases. Also, my eyes were opened to how many people are truly interested in learning more about my green lifestyle, and while I am still learning my new normal, I’m grateful to have an outlet to share my journey!

I’ve previously touched on how ridding my home of my skincare and makeup was the most difficult category for me to declutter. In a sense, having to declutter the items that were part of my daily routine and made me feel like “me” was emotional. To me, my skincare and makeup were the sentimental items that I had to let go of. Sure, I realize that not everyone grows as attached to their MAC signature color as I did (it was even the inspiration for the color scheme for my company rebrand years ago!), but I know that you can relate in that we all have that special something that is difficult to let go of.

MAKEUP: Before & After


After my diagnosis with Hashimoto’s I was forced to turn my house upside down and examine every product that I put in my body and on my skin because there is a lengthy list of ingredients that are no longer safe for me to consume or absorb.

What that meant for me was getting rid of multiple bags’ worth of products. The visual weight of the physical products was jarring for me. Not only did I realize how much I had accumulated over time, but I also didn’t realize how much I would have to replace. Almost every item that I had owned was no longer safe for me.

SKINCARE: Before & After

Luckily, there are so many great options for healthy, non-toxic makeup and skincare out there. I hadn’t realized this because I had never had a reason to look before! I had my workhorses and when one ran out I simply replaced it, or when a new color was released I tried it out. I was never looking at the ingredients. Companies have really made a push to offer safe options and they are becoming more and more accessible, which makes it not only convenient but also gives more options for your budget.

NAIL POLISH: Before & After

Making the decision to “go green” with my skincare and makeup was not an inexpensive endeavor (remember, I had to replace everything from feminine products to lip balm to eye cream), but I’ve noticed a difference in how I feel. I’m not saying that the green products have “saved” me or “cured” me, but they’ve helped me. I’ve noticed a difference in my skin and I’ve noticed myself being less stressed since I no longer worry about what I’m putting on my body, and that’s huge for me.


Rachel and Company - Green Living Series - Makeup -

I’d love to know: what are your favorite green beauty products? I’m always on the hunt for new brands to try out!


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  1. Jillian says:

    Love Beautycounter and their "no" list: – thank you as always for your great tips, Rachel!

    • Rachel Rosenthal says:

      Thanks, Jillian! And I just looked into the list that you mentioned and it’s so helpful that the company offers a clear message of what will never be included in their products. Love that!

  2. Pam says:

    Love that you’re doing a green living series! Can’t wait to read more!

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hey there!

I'm Rachel, founder of Rachel & Company

I’m dedicated to helping you create a lifestyle that is more organized, sustainable, and joyously livable.

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