An Organized Lifestyle

How to Organize an RV

We have a client who went recently left to east coast and headed west for two months in an RV with her family of 5. With her 3 boys doing virtual school, at least through the new year, they jumped at the chance for this once in a lifetime opportunity. What an amazing experience for […]

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An Organized Lifestyle

Quick Organization Projects You Can Tackle Right Now

Earlier this week on the, eve of the election, I chatted about on Instagram stories about how you can use organization to help with anxiety and boy did it resonate with you all. I got so much feedback about how you all have been using organization to help with your anxiety about COVID, the election, […]

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An Organized Lifestyle

Tips and Tricks for Staying In A Rental House During COVID-19

A few weeks ago, my family took a road trip and rented a house near the beach for two weeks. I was definitely excited about the change of scenery but for us that meant changing scenery AND continuing to keep a bubble around our family. Were we crazy to be leaving our quarantined family bubble […]

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An Organized Lifestyle

How To Organize for Your Family Road Trip

If the heat and humidity in the DC area tell us anything it is that summertime has arrived! Summertime is prime vacation season for most of us but this year looks a lot different. So, many of us are hitting the road vs. hopping on a plane. My family traveled down south to South Carolina […]

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An Organized Lifestyle

Packing tips to avoid checking a bag on a plane

Whether I’m packing for a weekend or a one-week trip, I’m a carry-on girl through and through when it comes to plane travel. I like the convenience of avoiding baggage claim and always having my luggage with me so that I can easily grab from the overhead bin and take to my destination. And as an added bonus, when may bag is smaller I am forced to bring fewer items and focus just on what I actually need. For years I was using large rolling suitcases for every flight, but I found myself packing extra items just to fill up the space (why bring 3 shirts when I could fit 12?).

Earlier this summer I went on a trip to the west coast where I knew that I would be needing multiple outfits per day (leisure, business, and evening), and I’ve learned over the years some tips that keep my carry-on policy in tacts, despite a packed schedule and varying plans/dress codes. I am headed on multiple trips this over the next couple of months by land and air, and for each one I am only taking a carry-on.

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An Organized Lifestyle

How to stay sane and organized on a summer road trip

In a couple of weeks my husband and I will be headed on a long trip to pick up the girls from summer camp and go on a family vacation. I’ve been on my fair share of 2- and 3-hour rides, but we’ll be tripling our time spent in the car each way (my husband’s idea) and I’m already playing tetris in my mind thinking about everything that we’ll be bringing (and picking up once we get the girls) and how we’ll get it all to fit.

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An Organized Lifestyle


How was your week? I made progress in swapping out my makeup and skincare items (though it wasn’t easy) and this weekend I’m taking time to prep for the next month ahead. I have a couple of quick day and overnight trips on my schedule, and I like to keep my packing to a minimum…both in how long I spend preparing and how many items I bring.

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