An Organized Lifestyle

5 Organizing Myths to Stop Believing

September 26, 2018

Hello, I'm Rachel
I’m a busy mom, entrepreneur, and an expert in organizing your home, office, and life. I believe in the profound impact of organizing on every aspect of life. 
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“I want to be organized, but…”

Have you thought or said this before?

I’ve heard this so many times from my clients and I’ve responded to messages and emails that start off the same way. Getting organized sounds so far-fetched because they’ve seen the “after” photos and they can’t imagine their own home being that Pinterest-perfect. I get it! Seeing a beautiful space and perfectly placed bins and color-coded closets can feel a little intimidating, but that doesn’t mean that it’s realistic for all. The good news? That’s not what organization is all about! I believe that there is potential in every home and for every person to have the organized lifestyle that they crave, regardless of circumstance.

Over time (and especially with social media), there has been such a great focus on the final result of getting organized. The idea that you home can (and should) look perfect at all times is just not realistic if you are truly living in your space, and that’s why I never focus on striving for those picture perfect lifestyles because they just aren’t always attainable!

I know that taking on the task of getting organized can feel like such a burden, but don’t let these fallacies stand in your way to getting your home, life, and schedule in order. Trust me: you can do it!

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ORGANIZING MYTH #1: Neat and tidy = organized

I’ve said it before and I will say it again: being neat and tidy does not equate to being organized! I’ve been in hundreds of homes where everything looks fine until I open a drawer, cabinet, or peek into a closet. The aim should be to categorize everything in your home and dedicate a spot for each category so that it is always easy to locate. The same goes for those “piles” that tend to build up that includes the daily mail, magazines, bills, etc. Just because it’s in a single stack doesn’t mean it’s organized!

ORGANIZING MYTH #2: Pinterest-perfect is the only way

Inspiration photos are great for inspiring ideas to put into place in your own home. But, take each bit of inspiration with a grain of salt. A lot of photos floating around social media have been staged in some way, so don’t fret if the images you find seem too far-fetched to replicate. Instead, take note of the systems or design elements that are being used and try to replicate it in your own home. Trust me: in real life, nobody (including you!) will actually care if your spice jars aren’t perfectly spaced on a rack.

ORGANIZING MYTH #3: Products and labels are necessary to getting organized

If you don’t like labels and you don’t want to invest in products, that’s fine. Do labels and products help to make it easier to maintain the organization? Absolutely. But, the same rules do not apply for every household or family. Products are helpful for corralling categories, but they aren’t the end all be all. Dedicate a shelf, drawer, or cabinet to each category, and repurpose what you already have to contain items as needed (i.e. cardboard boxes, tupperware that is missing a lid, etc.). And labels are an effective way to identify what goes where (which is especially helpful for families!), but you don’t have to have a fancy label maker to write out labels. Use masking tape and a permanent marker, paper and pen, or a simple sticky note to indicate the contents.

ORGANIZING MYTH #4: Getting organizing is a one-time event

The expectation that organization is a “one and done” process is untrue. Sure, the big overhaul of your home could very likely happen only once, but it requires maintenance just like anything else in your life. Dedicate time throughout the year (or seasonally) to go through areas of your home and touch up the organization in case things naturally started to get out of place. This type of bite-sized maintenance throughout the year is a quick way to get your home back in order and take continuous inventory of what you have so that you can declutter what is no longer needed or wanted.

ORGANIZING MYTH #5: Your house is a lost cause

It is possible for any home to be organized, regardless of the size. It’s true! Does that mean that you need to take a look at what you’ve been holding onto and let go of some things? Probably, but that should be the case for all homes! Ideally, your home should be full of only the items that you truly love and use so that everything is easy access. Your home has limitations to what can be stored, so use those limitations to help determine the amount that you can hang onto. Of course, in larger homes there is a tendency to fill up the space with stuff, but don’t forget that a little breathing room and empty space is not a bad thing!

I’d love to know: If you could wave a magic wand and instantly get one spot in your home organized, where would that be? Let me know in the comments!

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I'm Rachel, founder of Rachel & Company

I’m dedicated to helping you create a lifestyle that is more organized, sustainable, and joyously livable.

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