
What I Learned From Embracing All That Comes With New Beginnings: The Good, The Bad and the So-So

October 20, 2016

Hello, I'm Rachel
I’m a busy mom, entrepreneur, and an expert in organizing your home, office, and life. I believe in the profound impact of organizing on every aspect of life. 
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If you know me personally, you will also know that I have recently gone through some new beginnings myself with getting engaged, moving into a brand new home, and taking on a lot more commitments with and for my girls. 

With both business and personal new beginnings, life has brought such wonderful things that I am beyond grateful for and couldn’t have predicted, like new clients, projects, opportunities, relationships, the feeling of security, routine, and more. 

And while I wish that I could stay in the glow of everything, the reality of all these new things is that it adds another element that can become stressful, overwhelming, and make a person feel disorganized. There are more time commitments, more expectations, and less time for oneself. An while these “bad” results that come from all of the new beginnings does not even come close to overshadowing the “good”, I can’t ignore it. I have to accept that these new not-so-ideal results are still present and require attention. I can’t just cope with the “bad” and not allow myself to flourish in the “good”.

I am a big believer in focusing not just on organizing your physical space but also your mental space. And while that might sound weird to some, to others it will (hopefully) make perfect sense. Learning to juggle all that comes with new beginnings, like the beginning of a school year, new job, new home, and new routine is not easy, even with an organized space. 

So who is with me on making a mid-October resolution of sorts and attack the new beginnings and all that comes with it so that you can feel much more organized? While I know–and hope that you do as well–that nothing will ever be completely neat and perfectly placed at all times (that’s just totally unrealistic), we can make little steps towards a more organized life. You may not get the instant results you were looking for, but over time you will start to see a change. Life comes with bumps, so don’t be too hard on yourself! Be kind and patient with yourself as you learn to adjust.


Here are a few things that are easy to do to help us all get a bit more organized. 

  1. Make time for both work and play. Write your schedule out each week and make sure to include not only work commitments and chores, but time to spend with your family, friends, or just by yourself. This will help you becomes more organized in your schedule because you can look back at the end of the month and see how you spent most of your time. You can then decide for the next month to stick to it or make some new changes.

  2. Focus on not making more clutter. If you are too stressed, overwhelmed, busy, or just don’t have the time to get everything organized, just focus on being a more organized person rather than focusing on your space. Do what you think someone completely organized would do. Look at your mail over the recycling bin and instantly toss paper you don’t need and act on what needs to be addressed immediately. Put away anything you buy (everything from food to clothing) as soon as you get back from the store. These are really small things that you can do to avoid increasing the disorganization in a space.

  3. Write EVERYTHING down. Keep a planner or notebook with you at all times. When we are going through a more stressful or disorganized time, trying to remember all that you need to do or all that you have coming up just adds to the stress. Writing everything down will help you have a clear mind with room to actually think.

So, I am now challenging you to do one thing to hep with any of the disorganization or stress of a new beginning in your life. What you are going to do this week to help yourself? Please share your thoughts as I am sure you will benefit as will everyone else from reading your comments. 

And, if you need a few product suggestions on how to assist further with new beginnings, below are a few of my favorites. 

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  1. Judy Rickey says:

    I am determined to record and file all my paperwork in the next week which seems to be growing all over the living room since my business got busier.

    • A&B says:

      This is a great goal, Judy! Paper can accumulate quickly and become overwhelming, so it’s great that you are carving out time in your schedule to make it a priority to get it filed before it gets too crazy. Good luck 🙂

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I'm Rachel, founder of Rachel & Company

I’m dedicated to helping you create a lifestyle that is more organized, sustainable, and joyously livable.

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